When you decide to venture into Internet Marketing, the first thing you should do is to create a brand for yourself. People will recognise you, slowly trust you and then finally buy from you.
Use your real name instead of a nickname. This is the first essential step to take in gaining the trust of people online. If you have in the past used nicknames to flirt, spam, send hate messages, post hostile messages in chat rooms or forums, delete all of them.Don't ever let any one know these nicks belong to you!
On the other hand, if you have used nicknames in the past but have never done any of the above, you may keep your old nicks because this may help you to network with old friends. If you have being helpful and proven knowledgeable in any field, you are encouraged to associated with these nicks. But still you have to slowly switch to using your real name, and letting those who know your old nicks that you are them.
Don't be shy to let people know your real name whenever you offer them help,they will remember you.Soon you will have a group of loyal followers and you will be on your way to building an online business.
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